Tools from Clinician Scholar Educator Awardees

Recipients of the Clinician Scholar Educator (CSE) Award devote themselves to developing products and processes using new technologies and methods to better train future rheumatologists.
Developed by Bethany A. Marston, MD, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Funded July 2017-June 2020
The Rheum4Science initiative was designed to create a durable curricular resource, has identified topics of interest and content experts as authors, and is now in the process of developing a series of interactive web-based tutorials to supplement resources that may already be available to fellows and programs locally. The aims of this project are to support and study the implementation of the Rheum4Science curriculum, ensuring that content written by scientific experts is converted into high quality interactive modules that appropriately reinforce key objectives, and evaluating the implementation of this curriculum using a framework of self-determination theory.
Training Tomorrow's Top Doctors
Developed by Maria Dall'Era, Professor, Division of Rheumatology; Director, Lupus Clinic; Director, Rheumatology Clinical Research Center, University of California, San Francisco
Funded July 2014-June 2017
Practice Improvement Using Virtual Online Training (PIVOT), is a mobile virtual patient simulation that allows medical students to evaluate a virtual patient’s records, view interviews and exams, and order lab tests just as they would in a clinical setting. PIVOT is an exciting, innovative new platform because it offers clinically relevant cases to students, but allows them to practice modern skills. Students must sort through all of the information, identifying which facts are most relevant, and eventually diagnose the virtual patient. In the process, they use the app to answer open-ended questions, work in a team with other students and receive real-time feedback from their instructor. All of these features can be accessed on a smartphone, which fits the busy life of a medical student.
E-Support for Pediatric Residency Rheumatology Teaching
Developed by Megan L. Curran, MD, Attending Physician, Rheumatology; Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Children's Memorial Hospital
Funded July 2012-June 2015
OuchMyLeg! is a website devoted to linking members with teaching resources about pediatric rheumatology and musculoskeletal medicine. The site has two members-only communities: one for Pediatric Rheumatologists and physicians Interested in Medical Education (PRIME) and another for pediatric chief residents who can use resources for teaching within their programs. Members can post their personally-created materials for sharing. Additionally, the website staff vets and maintains a collection of links to publicly available resources already on the internet. Resources are searchable by categories such as diagnosis, topic and audience. The goal of this website is to increase the amount and quality of teaching about pediatric rheumatologic and musculoskeletal conditions, so health care providers are better able to quickly identify and refer patients to a pediatric rheumatologist. When patients are diagnosed and treated faster, outcomes improve.
A Competency Based Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Curriculum
Developed by Eugene Kissin, MD, Boston University, Director of Medical Student and Resident Education, Rheumatology Funded July 2010-June 2013
A year-long, web-based and hands-on, blended-learning curriculum which would include teaching materials, quizzes and ultrasound image submission for review, as well as a 20-hour course on how to standardize and improve scanning technique. The curriculum would conclude with both multiple choice and hands-on standardized testing of musculoskeletal ultrasound proficiency.
1. A learning curve, and individual variations, for MSUS among rheumatology fellows 2. A website with teaching tools for MSUS 3. An exportable core curriculum for MSUS 4. A validated examination to assess MSUS knowledge and skill
Web-based Interactive Rheumatology Experience (WIRE)
Developed by Christopher E. Collins, MD, Washington Hospital Center, Program Director, Rheumatology Funded July 2009-June 2012
A Web-based Interactive Rheumatology Experience (WIRE) accessible to all levels of trainees, and a self-perpetuating program for ongoing learning. A case-based, interactive rheumatology learning tool using cases from the District of Columbia Intra-city Rheumatology Rounds. Follow on Twitter @RheumPearls
A Web-based Educational Tool to Teach a Standardized Musculoskeletal Examination in Children
Developed by Yukiko Kimura, MD, Hackensack University Medical Center, Associate Program Director, Pediatric Rheumatology Funded July 2008-June 2010
A unique multi-specialty project that involves collaboration between pediatric rheumatology and orthopedics, whose aim is to teach a broader curriculum of pediatric musculoskeletal medicine to primary care providers, students and residents. These modules will teach a musculoskeletal screening exam and differential diagnostic considerations, as well as modules that focus on aspects of the differential diagnosis (infections, trauma, arthritis and rheumatic diseases, malignancies, etc.), and more focused physical examination skills (the knee, hip, spine, etc.), with each module having orthopedic and rheumatology authors. A collaboration with The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia resulted with an additional series called "Pediatric Musculoskeletal Medicine," housed through their Pedialink® series, which are web-based educational courses on the American Academy of Pediatrics' website.
Pediatric Musculoskeletal Medicine Course Series
If you are a CSE awardee with a product you want us to feature, let us know.