Patient with doctor

Patients & Families

Patients and families can find hope and make an impact on the search for a cure.


Learn about current research aiming to improve the lives of these patients living with rheumatic disease with funding from the Rheumatology Research Foundation.


Harris Perlman - 320 x 215

Harris Perlman, PhD
Northwestern University

Dr. Perlman’s research seeks to define a method to understand the differential roles that synovial macrophages populations play during the various phases of RA. Dr. Perlman’s research could help rheumatology professionals understand the dynamics and pathways involved in the pathogenesis of RA and ultimately, assist with the development of more effective treatment options for patients.

Dr. Gary Firestein

Gary S. Firestein, MD

Dr. Firestein is studying the LBH gene to better understand the genetic mechanisms behind joint damage and synovial inflammation.


Veronique LefebVre, PhD

Dr. Lefebvre is using stem cells to better understand joint damage caused by rheumatoid arthritis.


Jessica Ann Walsh, MD

Dr. Walsh is studying Axial Spondyloarthritis (AxSpA) diagnosis and treatment.


A researcher looking through a microscope

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