Patient with doctor

Patients & Families

Patients and families can find hope and make an impact on the search for a cure.


Learn about current research aiming to improve the lives of these patients living with rheumatic disease with funding from the Rheumatology Research Foundation.


Jane Songhurst

“The first symptom I had was terrific pain in my right hip joint a few weeks after giving birth to my child. I was 21 years old, the doctor prescribed anti-inflammatory medication and told me it was ligaments not settling properly after birth. I’m 56 years old now and have Anklyosing Spondylitis and every joint in my body is affected, including fusing of my sacroiliac joint and spine.”


Sarah Cordrick

"I feel relatively decent most days, but I haven't gotten to a place where I can work out, run or even lift weights again."


Kasey Gardiner, an RA patient

Kasey Gardiner

“About 9 months after my rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis, I went into remission. Then, a lump the size of a softball appeared on my chest."


Melanie Mullikin

"When I was practically crawling, I went to a rheumatologist who diagnosed me with severe rheumatoid arthritis."


A researcher looking through a microscope

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