Patient with doctor

Patients & Families

Patients and families can find hope and make an impact on the search for a cure.


Learn about current research aiming to improve the lives of these patients living with rheumatic disease with funding from the Rheumatology Research Foundation.


Priscilla McKenney kayaks and mountain climbs despite rheumatoid arthritis.

Priscilla McKenney

“It has been one big experiment since 1983 when I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) at age 23. I was just launching my career as a mountaineering instructor and had sights on climbing Mt. Denali. I didn’t listen to the doctors saying that I had to give those dreams up to adopt a sedentary lifestyle. I had to walk through a lot of pain to continue on my outdoor lifestyle and career. It has been a journey to find what works for me regarding the management of inflammation and taming the autoimmune system, the root cause of my pain.”


Melissa Young

“My kids distract me while I do my injections.”


Sarah Cordrick

"I feel relatively decent most days, but I haven't gotten to a place where I can work out, run or even lift weights again."


Kasey Gardiner, an RA patient

Kasey Gardiner

“About 9 months after my rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis, I went into remission. Then, a lump the size of a softball appeared on my chest."


A researcher looking through a microscope

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