Patient with doctor

Patients & Families

Patients and families can find hope and make an impact on the search for a cure.


Learn about current research aiming to improve the lives of these patients living with rheumatic disease with funding from the Rheumatology Research Foundation.


Melanie Mullikin, an RA patient whose struggle began in her childhood.

 Melanie Mullikin

“When I was between 6 – 10 years old, I remember crying because my legs hurt so bad. My mom said it was growing pains, but finally took me to a bone specialist who said I had tumors in my legs. He warned my mother that as I got older, my problems could come back. At the time, not much was known about rheumatic diseases. My arthritis went into remission until so much stress in my life triggered it. When I was practically crawling, I went to a rheumatologist who diagnosed me with severe rheumatoid arthritis."


Ally Kopec

"When I first started experiencing symptoms, I was told I had growing pains."


Tessa Capel

“I was so relieved to finally have someone listen to me. That saw past my age and listened.“


Christina Sunley

“After several years and five medications, I finally found a treatment that works for me.”


A researcher looking through a microscope

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