Patient with doctor

Patients & Families

Patients and families can find hope and make an impact on the search for a cure.


Learn about current research aiming to improve the lives of these patients living with rheumatic disease with funding from the Rheumatology Research Foundation.


Dr. Bernstein, who is studying lung transplants in patients with autoimmune diseases.

Elana J. Bernstein, MD, MSc
Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons

Dr. Bernstein is studying the outcomes of lung transplants in adults with autoimmune diseases like mixed connective tissue disease. These patients are at risk for lung diseases that sometimes require lung transplants. Many transplant programs are hesitant to offer the treatment because of concerns about the disease’s impact on survival. There is limited data to support or confirm those concerns, but Dr. Bernstein hopes to change that. Her study aims to identify and address modifiable risk factors, so that a successful lung transplant might be more of an option for patients like Katherine if she ever needed it.

Jarred Younger - 320 x 215

Jarred Younger, PhD

Dr. Younger's study investigates RA fatigue and depression.


University of North Carolina Rheumatologist Dr. Teresa Tarrant.

Teresa Tarrant, MD

Dr. Tarrant is studying a new technology that could deliver rheumatoid arthritis medication straight to the affected joints.


Timothy Niewold, MD

Dr. Niewold's study could help patients find the right medication sooner.


A researcher looking through a microscope

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