An elderly lady places her hand on her husband's shoulder.


Innovative Research Awards 

ResearchersSupporting innovative research ideas is essential to better understanding rheumatic diseases, their causes and the best way to treat them. The Innovative Research Award provides independent investigators with the funding they need to pursue ideas that could lead to important breakthroughs in discovering new treatments and, one day, a cure. 

Investigators interested in using data from the ACR’s RISE registry as part of their proposed research project need to get their data use request approved before applying for funding. Please visit RISE for Research for more information on RISE data. RISE data requests should be submitted at least 2 months prior to the Foundation’s application deadline.

Innovative Research Award

Support of innovative research in the field of rheumatologic diseases

Will help enable research that has the potential to improve treatment of rheumatic diseases, patient outcomes, and/or increase quality of care

Award Amount
Up to $200,000 per year

Award Term
2 Years

Letter of Intent
Please note that starting in the upcoming application cycle, the Innovative Research Award will be utilizing a competitive Letter of Intent as part of our review process.

Application Deadline
Check back June 1, 2025 for an updated Request for Application and details.

Community Practice Innovation Award

Support and grow ideas that are generated from the rheumatology practice community

Enables rheumatology care providers to conduct projects that will have a meaningful impact on practice implementation, efficiency and sustainability.

Award Amount
Up to $80,000

Award Term
1 Year with the potential for competitive renewal

Application Deadline
A required Letter of Intent is due March 15, 2025 by 5 PM EST. Applications are due April 1, 2025 by 5 PM EST.

View Request for Applications

Application Templates:




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