An elderly lady places her hand on her husband's shoulder.

Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipients

The purpose of the Clinician Scholar Educator (CSE) Award is to enhance education in musculoskeletal diseases for future doctors and rheumatology health professionals. Recipients of the award have demonstrated that they want to develop a career in education and are devoted to providing effective and efficient training. Learn about the history of the CSE award.




Jenifer Mandal, MD

Jenifer Mandal, MD

University of California, San Francisco

Improving Spondyloarthritis Care on Navajo Nation Through Primary Care Provider Education: The Rheumatology Access Expansion (RAE) Initiative

The United States faces a critical shortage of rheumatology providers. The latest Workforce Study from the American College of Rheumatology estimates that by the year 2030, the demand for rheumatologists will be more than double the supply. The rheumatology workforce crisis is particularly dire in rural areas, where primary care providers (PCPs) often have no choice but to attempt to treat their patients’ rheumatologic conditions with little or no specialist guidance. Navajo Nation, the largest American Indian reservation, is particularly hard-hit, faced with an extreme shortage of rheumatology providers and a high prevalence of rheumatologic diseases, including spondyloarthritis (SpA). In order to reduce health disparities and improve patient care and safety, rheumatology educators must seek innovative strategies to train front-line PCPs in underserved areas, such as Navajo Nation, in the care of common rheumatologic diseases. 

In a recent needs assessment study, Navajo Nation PCPs identified SpA as the #1 rheumatology topic they want to learn about. The objective of this Clinician Scholar Educator Award proposal is to develop, implement, and evaluate an innovative training program for Navajo Nation PCPs on SpA. The Navajo Nation SpA Curriculum will combine both synchronous and asynchronous components, including 12 weeks of live webinars taught by a multidisciplinary team (rheumatologists, pharmacists, and Navajo cultural interpreters) as well as interactive online learning modules created using the Rise 360 development platform. Close collaboration with Navajo patients and community health organizations will ensure that the curriculum is grounded in respect for cultural, linguistic, and logistical factors that impact the way SpA care is delivered and perceived on Navajo Nation. Successful establishment of this curriculum will serve as a blueprint for creating rheumatology training programs for PCPs in other communities with limited access to rheumatologists.


2024 Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipients

Anisha Dua, MD, MPH
Northwestern University
Project Title: Rheum2Teach: A Medical Educators Program for Rheumatology Fellows

Sonam Kiwalkar, MBBS
Good Samaritan Foundation
Project Title: Impact of Redesigning Rheum2Learn: A comparison of knowledge, confidence, and clinical reasoning in residents using virtual patients vs. text-based modules in a randomized controlled trial

2022 Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipients

Jason R. Kolfenbach, MD
University of Colorado
Project Title: A Tele-Health & Outreach Curriculum to Improve Access to Rheumatology Providers

Lisa Zickuhr, MD
Washington University in St. Louis
Project Title: Designing and evaluating a telerheumatology curriculum: A scholarly approach

2021 Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipients

Marcy B. Bolster, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital
Project Title: Extending Our Reach: Training Rheumatology Fellows in Telehealth to Provide Care to a United States (US) Underserved Patient Population

David L. Leverenz, MD
Duke University
Project Title: RheumMadness: An Online Community of Inquiry for Rheumatology Trainees

Angela B. Robinson, MD, MPH
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Project Title: Using Online Simulation to Teach High-Value Care of Pediatric Musculoskeletal Complaints: Assessing Cost of Care and Diagnostic Decision-Making

2020 Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipients

Jonathan S. Hausmann, MD
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Project Title: Accelerating learning and enhancing knowledge: Preparing rheumatology fellows to succeed in a rapidly changing world

Philip Seo, MD, MHS
Johns Hopkins University
Project Title: Rheum4Vasculitis: A Flipped-Classroom Approach to Vasculitis Education for Rheumatology Trainees

2019 Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipients

Jane S. Kang
Columbia University
Project Title: An Interactive, Case Based, Online Ethics Curriculum for Rheumatology Fellows: Issues in Industry Interactions and Industry Funded Trials

Jay Mehta, MD
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Project Title: Constructing a Career in Pediatric Rheumatology: Research Informing Practice

Rebecca Sadun, MD, PhD
Duke University
Project Title: Mind the Gap: Training Rheumatology Fellows in Transition and Transfer Skills to Enhance the Care of Adolescent and Young Adult Patients

2018 Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipients

Irene Blanco, MD, MS
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Project Title: A Rheumatology Fellowship Curriculum Addressing Health Disparities

Bethany A. Marston, MD
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Project Title: Rheum4Science Web-based Curriculum

2017 Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipient

Arundathi  Jayatilleke, MD
Drexel University College of Medicine
Project Title: Game-based Learning in Rheumatology

2016 Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipients

Uzma J. Haque, MD
Johns Hopkins University
Project Title: Web-based Rheumatology Curriculum for Medicine Residents

Beth L. Jonas, MD
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Project Title: An Innovative Pre-Clinical Curriculum for Rheumatology

2015 Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipients

Maria Dall'Era, MD
University of California, San Francisco
Project Title: Virtual Patient Simulation for Rheumatology Education

Eli M. Miloslavsky, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital
Project Title: Improving the Resident-Fellow Teaching Interaction through the Fellow As Clinical Teacher (FACT) Curriculum

2014 Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipients

Karen L. Law, MD
Emory University School of Medicine
Project Title: Decision-Based Learning to Highlight Rheumatic Disease

Bernadette C. Siaton, MD
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Project Title: Development of a Web-based Rheumatology Curriculum

2013 Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipients

Megan L. Curran, MD
Children's Memorial Hospital
Project Title: E-Support for Pediatric Residency Rheumatology Teaching

Susan F. Kroop, MD
Vanderbilt University
Project Title: “Rheumatology 101: Ambulatory Based Curriculum Development”

2012 Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipients

Juliet Aizer, MD, MPH
Hospital for Special Surgery
Project Title: Development of Curricula in Metabolic Bone Disease

Michal J. Cidon, MD
Stanford University
Project Title: Web-Based Learning Portfolios in Pediatric Rheumatology

Lisa G. Criscione-Schreiber, MD
Duke University
Project Title: Development of ROSCE stations with Follow-up Modules

Rodney Tehrani, MD
Loyola University Medical Center
Project Title: A Dynamic Competency-Based Learning Modules

2011 Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipients

Eugene Kissin, MD
Boston University
Project Title: A Competency Based Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Curriculum

Seetha Monrad, MD
University of Michigan Medical Center
Project Title: Methodology for Teaching Medical Students Rheumatology

David Sherry, MD
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Project Title: Developing OSCEs for Pediatric Rheumatology

2010 Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipients

Jessica Berman, MD
Hospital for Special Surgery
Project Title: Focusing on Basics: Regional Musculoskeletal Modules

Christopher E. Collins, MD, FACR
Georgetown University Hospital Washington Hospital Center
Project Title: Web-based Interactive Rheumatology Experience (WIRE)

Deana M. Lazaro, MD
SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn Program
Project Title: Development of a Multimodal Rheumatology Elective: A Controlled Study

2009 Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipients

James D. Katz, MD, FACP
George Washington University Medical Center
Project Title: Introducing the Testimonial-commentator Format to the Musculoskeletal Curriculum of Medical Students

James M. Ross, MD
Lehigh Valley Hospital
Project Title: Development of a Curriculum to Utilize Medical Resident Clinic for Rheumatology Education

Karina Marianne D. Torralba, MD
University of Southern California
Project Title: Team-learning Strategies in Rheumatology: Fostering Accountability, Reflective Learning and Critical Thinking

Amy Woodward, MD, MPH
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Project Title: A Comprehensive, Interactive Pediatric Rheumatology Curriculum

2008 Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipients

Abby G. Abelson, MD
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Project Title: Web-based Problem-based Rheumatology Curriculum

Yukiko Kimura, MD
Hackensack Univ. Med. Center
Project Title: A Web-based Educational Tool to Teach a Standardized Musculoskeletal Examination in Children

Sharon Kolasinski, MD
UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (Camden)
Project Title: Rheumatology Education: Focusing the Options for Medical Students

2007 Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipients

W. Winn Chatham, MD
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Project Title: Integrated Patient-based Rheumatic Disease Module

Helen M. Emery, MD
Children's Hospital & Regional Medical Center
Project Title: Enhancing Musculoskeletal Exam Skills and Pediatric Rheumatology Knowledge

Paulette C. Hahn, MD
University of Florida College of Medicine
Project Title: The Art of Clinical Reasoning in Rheumatology: Curriculum Development for Internal Medicine Residents

Carol M. Ziminski, MD John Hopkins University
Project Title: A Rheumatology Education Program that Couples Preceptor/Apprenticeship with
Electronic/Web-Based Teaching

2006 Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipients

Seth M. Berney, MD
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
Project Title: Innovative Rheumatology Teaching Methods

Jamal A. Mikdashi, MD, MPH
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Project Title: The Impact of Teaching Geriatric Rheumatology to Internal Medicine Residents on the Quality of Care of Musculoskeletal Conditions

W. Neal Roberts, Jr., MD
Virginia Commonwealth University
Project Title: A Quantitative, Generational Cohort-Based Approach to Rheumatology Recruitment

2005 Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipients

Robert A. Kalish, MD
Tufts University
Project Title: Quest for Rheumatologic Diagnosis

Don R. Martin, MD
Johns Hopkins University
Project Title: Enhanced Rheumatology Curriculum for Medical Residents at the Johns Hopkins Hospital

Charles H. Spencer, MD
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Project Title: A Web-Based Educational Program for Medical Students and Pediatric Residents on Pediatric Rheumatology

Patience White, MD
Arthritis Foundation
Project Title: Facilitating Rheumatology Fellows Ability

2004 Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipients

Michael Battistone, MD
University of Utah
Project Title: Developing Medical Students as Clinician Scholar Educators: A Patient-centered, Student-focused Mentoring Program

Allan Gelber, MD, PhD
Johns Hopkins University
Project Title: Tutorial-enhanced Educational Program in Clinical Rheumatology

Anne Minenko, MD
University of Minnesota
Project Title: Is Educational Culture Linked to Resident Sub-specialty Choice?

Nancy Olsen, MD
Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
Project Title: Rheumatology at Meharry Medical College and UT Southwestern

2003 Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipients

Barbara Adams, MD
University of Michigan Health Center
Project Title: Developing a Curriculum in Sociocultural Medicine to Teach Pediatric Rheumatology

Robert Ike, MD
University of Michigan Health System
Project Title: Rheumatology as a Contact Sport

James Jarvis, MD
Columbia University Medical Center
Project Title: Mentoring Native-American Students in Rheumatology and Rheumatology Research

Michael Pillinger, MD
NYU School of Medicine, Hospital for Joint Diseases
Project Title: A Program for Teaching

Marianne L. Shaw, MD
Affiliated with Altoona Regional Health System - Altoona Hospital
Project Title: Internal Medicine Residents in Immunology and Rheumatology

Joan Von Feldt, MD, MSEd
University of Pennsylvania
Project Title: Rheumatology Development of a Comprehensive Curriculum for Medical Students and Internal Medicine Residents in Immunology and Rheumatology

2002 Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipients

Janine Evans, MD
Yale University
Project Title: Multidisciplinary Musculoskeletal Disorders Clinical Elective

Raymond Flores, MD
University of Maryland

Melanie Harrison, MD
Hospital for Special Surgery, Cornell University

Arthur Kavanaugh, MD
University of California, San Diego

Kenneth S. O’Rourke, MD
Wake Forest University
Project Title: Active Learning Strategies for Delivery of Rheumatology Content: Development and integration within a web-based medical student curriculum

Sterling G. West, MD
University of Colorado-Denver Medical School
Project Title: Rheumatology: Small Feedings for the Mind

2001 Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipients

John Flynn, MD
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Project Title: Rheumatology Curriculum for Medical Students

Leslie E. Kahl, MD
Oregon Health & Science University
Project Title: Multidisciplinary Arthritis Teaching Clinic

Kristine M. Lohr, MD
GF Strong Rehab Centre
Project Title: Multidisciplinary Arthritis Teaching Clinic

Chester V. Oddis, MD
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Project Title: Teaching, Mentoring, Role-Modeling... The Pittsburgh Experience

2000 Clinician Scholar Educator Award Recipients

Louis W. Heck, MD
University of Alabama School of Medicine
Project Title: A Proposal to Enhance the Rheumatology Educational Experience for Students at the UAB School of Medicine

Leonard D. Stein, MD
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Project Title: Enhancing Medical Education with Internet-Based Rheumatology Education Units: Training Pediatric Residents, Medicine/Pediatric Residents and Medical Students for the 21st Century

Therese M. Wolpaw, MD
Case Western Reserve School of Medicine
Project Title: Exemplary Models of Learning in the Rheumatology Outpatient Setting

Murray H. Passo, MD
Medical University of South Carolina

Robert Sundel, MD
Children’s Hospital Boston
Project Title: Curriculum for the Teaching of Musculoskeletal Physical Diagnosis (MSPD)


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